Friday, January 3, 2014

Day Three

Happy Anniversary to me and Steven!   A year ago, Steven and I went down to the courthouse with my parents and Aaron and were married by Judge Hancock.  He made it a very nice moment for us. It has been an up-and-down year, but overall I am so glad we got married.  I am proud to be his wife.  I love his generosity, his affection, and his sense of humor.

Happiness thoughts today are really more on hope:

"Hope matters.  Hope is a choice.  Hope can be learned.  Hope can be shared with others.
Hope is not optimism.  You're optimistic if you believe the future will be better than the present.  Optimism is merely an attitude.  Hope, on the other hand, is belief PLUS action. "

(from an article by S. Levitt called "The Hope Monger" in livehappy, February 2014 issue)

I am universally hopeful.  I always think the future will be better and I'm always making plans.  If I have a plan, I feel better.

Gratitude:   The chance to sleep in, time alone with my husband, payday, the boys home safely.

That's all for today.

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